Batch script to map particular network drive. - Windows 10

Batch File To Map Users Home Directory - Edugeek Nov 12, 2014 How to Map a Drive with Credentials | Batch Scripting by Sep 16, 2012 Auto Reconnect Mapped Network Drive, Force Reconnect It should now automatically close if a mapped network drive connection cannot be made after Windows startup. If a connection can be made it would reconnect the shares and close out afterwards. You may add this batch file to run in your Windows startup folder or you may even get it to run in a domain environment using group policy.

Map a network drive -

Creating Batch File to Map Network Drive - AppleScript If you want to save time by creating a batch file that when you click on it it will automatically map the drive for you. Or if the map network drive keep disconnecting every time you restart your computer, then you can put the batch file in the start up folder so that it run every log in. (Solved) - How to make a BAT file to make Network Drive

Sep 16, 2012

However, with creative use of network paths, it’s easy to map a local folder to a drive letter from the Map Network Drive window. 1. In Windows Vista or 7 open Explorer, press Alt and go to Tools > “Map network drive”. In Windows 10 or 8 open Explorer and make sure you are in the Computer tab. Press “Map network drive… How to Create Batch File to Mount Network Drive | Tech Nov 02, 2011