Feb 13, 2017 · We use Aerohive AP's in our school district, and the Guest network is VLAN'd off and quarantined, but still has access to our DHCP server through a DHCP-relay/DHCP-helper in the L3 router. You connect to Guest WLAN, get put in VLAN x, get DHCP from DHCP server setup for VLAN x. You can access DHCP and DNS inside the network, but that's it.

Next step is to enable DHCPd for the guest wifi. Go to Setup->Networking and on DHCPd section add another dhcp server for the guest network (click add then choose ath0.1 from drop down menu). select starting IP for guests, max number of IPs and leasetime. Again click Save and Apply. Wait about 30 sec. and try to connect to Guest WiFi. Jul 12, 2017 · Our tutorial today is focused on using a DD-WRT compatible router to achieve dual SSIDs. As such you will need the following things: 1 DD-WRT compatible router with an appropriate hardware revision (we’ll show you how to check) 1 installed copy of DD-WRT on said router; This is not the only way to set up dual SSIDs for your home network. It’s possible to be both hospitable and safe — by setting up guest Wi-Fi. A guest Wi-Fi network is essentially a separate access point on your router. All of your home devices are connected to one point and joined as a network, and the guest network is a different point that provides access to the Internet, but not to your home network. Nov 07, 2011 · How To Create a Guest Network on DD-WRT. All FlashRouters have integrated guest networking setup available on High Speed Wireless-N routers since the DD-WRT firmware installed comes integrated with the Guest Network option. All it takes is a few clicks.

I have a router on which I installed DD-WRT firmware. I am trying to set up a virtual interface to use as a guest network. The guest network should be on the subnet while our LAN is on the subnet. The guest network should have full internet access, but no access to our LAN.

The first 1 being the private network and the 2nd one the guest. But I also need that 3rd interface to link to my main router to grab the signal and repeat it. So if any one knows of any videos or step by step directions for dummy's to add a 3rd virtual interface and then show how to separate it from the private network I'd appreciate it. Jun 29, 2018 · This bit is up to you, as pretty much any removable storage device will work, so long as it has a USB cable that can be plugged into your network router. Why use a DD-WRT NAS? Pros. It’s cheap! DD-WRT is the best route to a quick, easy and cheap NAS. You use AP isolation for your 'guest' network clients to not be able to see each other, you use the IPtables commands in the multiple wlans guide to restrict access between the guest network and the non-guest network.. _____ Wireless N Config | Linking Routers | DD-WRT Wiki | DD-WRT Builds | Peacock - Broadcom FAQ Having problems with port

The guest network, on the other hand, is separated from the private network. Additionally, each individual device on the guest network is separate from another, so guests cannot see each other. If you’ve gotten to this point and something is not working, or your guest network does not have internet access, don’t be alarmed.

A Guest Network is a separate SSID (wireless network ID) using a virtual access point (VAP) that gives guest access to the WAN (internet) while blocking them from your LAN (local network), thereby protecting your security. DNSMasq method. This uses DNSMasq instead of DHCPd. May 31, 2014 · How to Set Up a DD-WRT Guest Network. Setting up a segmented DD-WRT guest network is not too complex, as illustrated in a post by DD-WRT developer Kong which this tutorial was based on. Note: The build version used here is an AC Kong build. It may not be applicable to older builds of DD-WRT or some fields may be missing. 1. Next step is to enable DHCPd for the guest wifi. Go to Setup->Networking and on DHCPd section add another dhcp server for the guest network (click add then choose ath0.1 from drop down menu). select starting IP for guests, max number of IPs and leasetime. Again click Save and Apply. Wait about 30 sec. and try to connect to Guest WiFi. Jul 12, 2017 · Our tutorial today is focused on using a DD-WRT compatible router to achieve dual SSIDs. As such you will need the following things: 1 DD-WRT compatible router with an appropriate hardware revision (we’ll show you how to check) 1 installed copy of DD-WRT on said router; This is not the only way to set up dual SSIDs for your home network.